Double-girder overhead crane
When the span of the shed is between 10 and 50 meters and the tonnage of the cargo is between 1 and 100 tons, a double-girder overhead crane is a smart and optimal choice. By choosing this type of crane, you will have the largest range of movement in height. Due to the advantages of this type of crane, its price is higher than the single-girder type.
Arman Sole Industrial Group, manufacturer of industrial and workshop sheds
Why Arman Sooleh Overhead Crane? Currently, there are many brands in the market that are active in the field of supplying and selling overhead cranes. The question that arises for many people is what is the difference between these overhead cranes and are they of the same quality? This is definitely not the case! Certainly, some brands, due to their experience and knowledge in this field, can provide their customers with higher quality and more suitable products, and Arman Soole is one of these brands.
Types of Overhead Cranes Overhead cranes come in many different types. These equipments are mounted on a rail and move horizontally along the length of the shed in 6 directions: longitudinal (north and south), transverse (left and right) and vertical (up and down), covering almost all parts of the shed. Each of these cranes is used for a specific application.
Single-bridge overhead crane This type of crane requires only one bridge to operate and can easily carry up to 10 tons. Usually, in sheds with a small opening, a single-bridge overhead crane is a good option. The low price and light weight of this type of crane, which makes it easy to operate and set up, are the advantages of a single-bridge overhead crane.